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And like that, Summer is here and we’re looking at a very different second half of the year. Which means as marketers, it’s time to take the buzzy energy and pour it into refreshed strategies and ideas. It’s not always about a pivot (and if we hear that word one more time!) Sometimes it’s a matter of taking a step back and honing in on what’s working, and safely continuing building the path to bigger ideas.

Here are 6 tips for a summer refresh of your marketing strategies.



Examine YTD Wins & Losses

Last year is so … last year. How was the first 6 months for your brand? What marketing efforts worked? What didn’t? Is there a program you wish you spent more time on, or were better prepared for? We all had or saw marketing fails this year, so let’s learn from those too. This is also a good opportunity to look at your web analytics, social media metrics and any other relevant data you can get your hands on. Also critical is checking in with the company at large. The humans who have the ability to be your best brand ambassadors and your most brand critical. Marketing wins and losses aren’t always outwardly visible.

Brush Up on Trends

Yes, we all know baking is still on the rise. What other trends are happening in your industry, category, or the communities who buy your brand? Not everyone belongs on TikTok yet the informational trends benefit everyone looking to reach a younger and more curious demographic.

Talk to Customers

The Zoom fatigue is (still) real. Take advantage of any real face time you can get with the customers of your brand. Nothing trumps hearing it from the buyer themself. Ask the tough questions and be open to all of the feedback. You never know when a challenge or complaint can lead to an amazing marketing solution.

Reevaluate the Brandscape

With so many new products launched this year (and others succeeding, some failing), be sure to take a hard look at your competitive brandscape. What are other brands doing that you admire, or cringe at? Look past your immediate category and see what inspo you can find from other brands and markets.

Back to logistics and execution for a minute – of course contingency plans are essential. If you’re planning to have an influencer perform a demo at a store and her flight is canceled, for example, maybe you can use screens in the store to recreate the experience virtually.

Speaking of virtual events … switching in-person to online is something most every marketer had to do in the last 18 months or so, but the experience also serves as a reminder that virtual done right is an additional opportunity. While in-person may be ideal, a Facebook Live video in which a brand representative takes questions from people watching online can also leave a positive, lasting impression.


Plan a Creative Think Tank Sesh

Set the goals, set the stage — but make it fun. Creativity can’t be forced, so a mix of exercises and approaches is your best bet. Pro tip: these should ideally be done in person, on neutral territory. Bring your best thinkers and let the ideas fly.

Identify Resource Gaps

Now that you’ve put it all on the table, what are the ideas that are sticking? Which will create the most value to the company, and build brand cred in a time when loyalty matters more than ever? That’s where the investment should be, and that is where to identify if there are any resources you need to make it happen.

Be prepared to make your case to ask for said resources of course. And because you’ve hashed out the idea from the why to the how, you’ll be ready. Harbor Creative Group will be there to back you up and see your vision through.

Lisa Minardi

Author Lisa Minardi

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