Ever curious how your favorite brand of crackers got on the grocery store shelf? Maybe you were a fan of How’s It’s Made as a kid like I was. Or you get curious on how the best apple ever, the Cosmic Crisp® apple was classically bred! If so, this series from The Sporkful’s “Mission: ImPASTAble” by Dan Pashman will take you on a 3 year food journey as Dan sets out to create a new pasta shape. You will learn alongside him about everything from the type of wheat to use, what a pasta dieline is, to our favorite part- branding, marketing and distribution. ?
See the full Article here: https://www.sporkful.com/how-to-buy-cascatelli-new-pasta-shape-sporkful-dan-pashman/
Here are all the episodes in the podcast series:
Mission: ImPASTAble 1 | Spaghetti Sucks
Mission: ImPASTAble 2 | Slanting The Floors
Mission: ImPASTAble 3 | What Would Juan Guzman Do?
Mission: ImPASTAble 4 | Where The Ruffles Meet The Road
Mission: ImPASTAble 5 | A Shape Is Born
Mission: ImPASTAble 6 | The Future Of Cascatelli (April 2021)
Mission: ImPASTAble 7 | Turning The Ship (Nov 2021)
Mission: ImPASTAble 8 | The Pursuit Of Viscoelasticity (Feb 2022)